Best Paid Hosting - Website Hosting Provider You Can Trust
Best Paid Hosting offers enterprise-class web hosting and a plethora of free-of-charge bonuses, which will help you create your web site in minutes. We have an in-house developed hosting Control Panel called Hepsia and our tests have shown that it is at least 3 times quicker than other Control Panels. You can always count on our 24-7 technical support team whose representatives will get back to you in no more than 20 minutes.
$6.03 /mo
Advanced Plan
- Unlimited Data Storage
- Unlimited Data Transfer
- 5 Domains Hosted
- 30-Day Free Trial
$10.03 /mo
Professional Plan
- Unlimited Data Storage
- Unlimited Data Transfer
- Unlimited Domains Hosted
- 30-Day Free Trial
$13.03 /mo
Commercial Plan
- Unlimited Data Storage
- Unlimited Data Transfer
- Unlimited Domains Hosted
- 30-Day Free Trial
- FREE Domain Name
- 1-Click 40+ Scripts Installer
- PHP4/PHP5/PHP7 Support
- Anti-Virus/Spam Protection
A Lightning-Fast Control Panel
Our Web Hosting Control Panel is lightning-fast, responsive and very user-friendly. It gives you complete control over your website(s) and domain(s). Using drag 'n' drop and point & click actions, you can easily control everything connected to your site.
A Web Applications Installer
The Web Apps Installer tool allows you to easily install more than 40 popular web applications, among them Joomla, WordPress, Drupal and many others, with just one click. You don't have to download anything or create a database - our tool will do everything for you.
Free-of-Charge Site Themes
Save funds on web design services by using any of the 300+ templates that we offer with each hosting account. The designs we provide are available for free and can be installed on your website with just a few clicks.
A 24/7/365 Customer Support Service
If you have a problem with your website, you can always count on our client support team - its members are available 24x7x365. No matter what, they will respond in under sixty minutes, with the average response time being 20 minutes.